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Ellen Morgan Who Was?: Who Was Jesus? (Paperback)
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Ellen Morgan Who Was?: Who Was Jesus? (Paperback)

Product ID: 482765638
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"This fascinating addition to our best-selling Who Was...? series does not settle questions of theology. Instead, it presents young readers with a biography that covers what is known historically about Jesus and places in his life in the context of his world when Jerusalem was part of the Roman Empire. In an even-handed and easy-to-read narrative, this title--illustrated with eighty black-and-white drawings--also explains the early origins of Christianity and how it became a major religion"-- This fascinating addition to the best-selling Who Was...? series does not settle questions of theology. Instead, it presents young readers with a biography that covers what is known historically about Jesus and places in his life in the context of his world when Jerusalem was part of the Roman Empire. In an even-handed and easy-to-read narrative, this title--illustrated with eighty black-and-white drawings--also explains the early origins of Christianity and how it became a major religion. • Author: Ellen Morgan • ISBN:9780448483207 • Format:Paperback • Publication Date:2015-02-05

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