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LEGO DUPLO Town Fire Engine 10969 Toy for Toddlers 2 Plus Years Old, Truck with Lights and Siren, Firefighter & Cat Figures, Learning Toys
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LEGO DUPLO Town Fire Engine 10969 Toy for Toddlers 2 Plus Years Old, Truck with Lights and Siren, Firefighter & Cat Figures, Learning Toys

Product ID: 479904895
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Kids ages 2+ with a fascination for fire engines will be captivated by LEGO DUPLO Rescue Fire Engine (10969) learning toy for toddlers to play out animal rescue missions. The toddler set includes a firefighter and a cat LEGO DUPLO figures, plus a buildable tree and a multi-function fire engine toy with flashing lights and siren (batteries included). A cat is stuck at the top of a tall tree! The fire engine races to the scene with lights flashing and siren sounding. Your little hero can push and turn the fire engine’s lever to raise the ladder and rotate the basket. If the cat still won’t budge, there are some tasty treats that might tempt it down. Then pull out the water hose and give him a refreshing drink! With a cute cat figure to rescue and a friendly firefighter in a feature-packed fire engine toy, this hands-on toy playset for 2 year olds will develop preschoolers’ social, emotional and fine motor skills as they role-play the real-life adventures of an everyday hero. Parents can share precious developmental moments as LEGO DUPLO toys put open-ended fun, self-expression and joyful exploration into young children’s hands. The fire truck measures over 7 in. (17 cm) high, 11 in. (28 cm) long and 6.5 in. (17 cm) wide. Contains 21 Pieces. This set includes LEGO DUPLO firefighter and cat figures, a tree and a fire engine toy with flashing lights and siren (batteries included) With this fire engine toy for 2 year olds, toddlers turn the lever to raise the ladder and rotate the basket to save the cat from the tree When kids have saved the cat, they can give it treats with the included cat food element and pull out the water hose to give the cat some water! Kids improve their fine motor skills and develop social and emotional awareness as they play out imaginative fire engine toy rescue stories The picture-story building guide included in this toddler toy introduces young kids to creative construction and storytelling This learning toy makes a great birthday or Christmas gift for toddlers and kids ages 2 plus years old with love for vehicles of cute animal toys

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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