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iTech Junior Kids Earbuds & Smartwatch Set - Tiedye 900406M-40-F01
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iTech Junior Kids Earbuds & Smartwatch Set - Tiedye 900406M-40-F01

Product ID: 473138337
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The iTech Junior Kids Smartwatch with earbuds is both an educational and fun gift for your child! It comes with features such as a swivel camera, customizable clock faces, 30 learning and active games, 20 tunes to explore, and so much more! Simply plug in the earbuds included to the headphone jack on the watch so your child can listen to their favorite lullabies, melodies, bed time stories, and songs. Plus the iTech Junior doesn't connect to a cellular device and comes with an In Case of Emergency (ICE) Card on the watch, so it's free of GPS tracking and completely safe! DIGITAL CAMERA WITH VIDEO RECORD - This kid’s smartwatch has a swivel camera, photo effects, and takes up to 50 photos that can be saved and uploaded onto your computer via USB. Invite the Let your kid in your life to cherish all their favorite memories. CUSTOMIZABLE CLOCK FACES - This fully functional kid’s smartwatch has a stopwatch, alarm, timer, calendar, wallpaper. VARIOUS LOL SURPRISE! DESIGNS - So many patterns and colors to choose from with all your favorite theme. Explore the various wallpapers, screen-savers, and strap patterns available. EDUCATIONAL GAMES AND ACTIVITIES - With so many learning and active games, this kids smartwatch makes the best gift for all children. It even includes sound animation to engage and interact in a fun and active way. Plus the earbud provided with the watch can be used to listen favorite music and stories etc., No app is needed with this kid’s smartwatch, as it doesn’t connect to any data connection or GPS for safe use!

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

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