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Jungle Pond Start Water Treatment Solution, 8 oz.
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Jungle Pond Start Water Treatment Solution, 8 oz.

Product ID: 460456384
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The Jungle Pond Start Water Treatment formula creates a healthy environment for your outdoor dechlorinate pond and fish by improving and aging the water. It begins working immediately to make water safe by removing chlorine and chloramine while also neutralizing heavy metals in the water such as copper, lead, zinc, and other heavy metals. This pond water cleaner also stimulates the natural growth of your fish's natural protective slime coating which can be lost during handling, netting, spawning, injury, disease, and other causes of stress, keeping them safer for longer and reducing their overall stress level. It adds vital electrolytes and adds the long-term protection that your aquatic pets need by protecting them against nitrite poisoning. The formula does its work without altering the pH of the water and is safe for all ornamental pond fish and pond plants. The bottle contains 8 fl oz of the Jungle Pond Start Water Treatment. Jungle Pond Start Water Treatment Solution, 8-Ounces  Makes water safe for pond fish Use Dechlorinate Pond Start with new pond water or whenever adding tap water to the pond Improves and ages water Removes chlorine and chloramine instantly Neutralizes copper, lead, zinc, and other heavy metals Stimulates the fish's natural slime coating Conditions Pond Water Reduces Fish Stress Reduces fish stress and provides a protective slime coat Neutralizes heavy metals in city water as well as those leaching from the soil

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago