Great Value Pecan Halves, 8 oz
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Great Value Pecan Halves, 8 oz

Product ID: 460432695
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Great Value Pecan Halves are high-quality pecans that make for a perfect crunchy and savory snack. They are a rich source of healthy fats and fiber and make an excellent addition to your daily routine. These crunchy pecans are great for snacking and can also be used to enhance the texture and flavor of your salads and baked goods such as: cakes, pies, and cookies. You can even try making the decadent chocolate pecan pie recipe provided right on the bag They can also be used in your favorite trail mix and are great for topping on cereals, milkshakes, and smoothies. Available in a reclosable bag, they are an excellent on-the-go snack. Bring home Great Value Pecan Halves today! Great Value products provide families with affordable, high-quality grocery and household consumable options. With our wide range of product categories spanning grocery and household consumables, we offer you a variety of products for your family's needs. Our products are conveniently available online and in Walmart stores nationwide, allowing you to stock up and save money at the same time. Great Value Halves Pecans, 8 Oz: Perfect for snacking and baking Contains approximately 2 cups Reclosable bag to maintain freshness Easy for on-the-go Use in salads, desserts, smoothies, trail mix, etc.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

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