CanDo Black Composite High-Density Roller, Half-Round, 6"" X 36
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CanDo Black Composite High-Density Roller, Half-Round, 6"" X 36

Product ID: 1819390
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Product Description CanDo Black Composite High-Density Extra Firm Foam Roller for Muscle Restoration, Massage Therapy, Sport Recovery and Physical Therapy are made of molded foam for increased firmness and durability. The extra-firm design makes this roller ideal for massaging, recovery and rehabilitation. The high-density foam provides durability for long-term use while also maintaining its shape even after repeated use. As seen in PT offices and gyms nationwide, this Foam Roller is ideal for stretching and rehabilitating hips, legs (thighs, knees, calves, ankles) back, neck and shoulders. High-density rollers are the perfect myofascial release tool for CrossFit, Yoga, Pilates, Weight Training, Bodybuilding, Dance, Parkour and MORE! Sore and achy? This roller is relief. Myofascial release helps increase blood flow and the mobility of the fascia tissue. This action over time eliminates pain, restores motion and maximizes performance. Use to reduce post workout soreness in the back, hips, legs (thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet), neck, IT-Band, and shoulder muscles. This roller is the one to use for releasing tension in muscles and tissue after workouts, running, physical therapy, and even work! These Composite foam rollers are also perfect for positioning, balance, muscle posture re-education, spinal stabilization, and other flexibility, strengthening and range of motion exercises. Use it to enhance your workout by making push-ups, planks and other exercises more challenging. After a workout, let this roller become your own personal massage therapist, and use them to give yourself a deep tissue massage, slowly rolling over various areas of your body. You’ll break up scar tissue, speed up workout recovery and increase blood flow and circulation. The half-roller, because it’s so much firmer than standard rollers found elsewhere, is also a great tool for ankle stretching and knee rehabilitation. You can use it as a rocker board by standing on its flat side to improve balance and positioning. CanDo Black Composite High-Density Extra Firm Foam Rollers are offered in three lengths. Both a half-round and round at 6” x 36”, as well as half-rounds and rounds at the sizes of 6” x 12” and 6” x 18”. The diameter refers to the width of the half-round profile. The foam is durable enough to be used by large adults and active children while the soft design makes these great for beginners as well. Easy to clean, the entire roller (including the bottom), is closed cell, unlike other half-round rollers. It accommodates all body types and levels of fitness from beginners to professional athletes. Use them alone or with other exercisers. Choose the roller that is right for you! Manufacturer Contact Information 800-431-2830

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